Peer through the looking glass to discover mind bending, psychedelic style


Angel Chen coat, Brogger dress, Inyati shoes, Pebble London ring, Mi Manera earrings


Jordan Luca coat and shorts, Pronounce top, Marvin Desroc shoes, Pebble London accessories


Jordan Luca coat and shorts, Pronounce top, Marvin Desroc shoes, Pebble London accessories


Florentina Leitner dress, Pauline de Blonay blazer, trousers and vest, Inyati shoes, Riina O gloves, Atelier Ornaments earrings


Nynne dress, House of Flora hat, Sara Balmont top, Pebble London rings


Omoh wears Natasha Zinko dress, Car|2ie top and gloves, Roker shoes, Jacqueline Loekito socks, Jo Miller hat. Abdourahman wears Fyodor Golan two piece, Marvin Desroc shoes, Car|2ie top and gloves, Jo Miller hat.


Napa by Martine Rose top, Strong trousers, Florentina Leitner hat


De Blona top, Fyodor Golan shorts, Pauline de Blonay hood, Roker boots, Riina O gloves


De Blona top, Fyodor Golan shorts, Pauline de Blonay hood, Roker boots, Riina O gloves


Jacqueline Loekito top and trousers, Marvin Desroc shoes, Pebble London accessories


Erika Maish dress, Marvin Desroc bow, Jacqueline Loekito leggings, Roker shoes, Pebble London accessories


Omoh wears Cecily Celey dress and corset, Inyati shoes, Mi Manera earrings. Abdourahman wears Jacqueline Loekito top and trousers Inyati shoes


Photography Fleur Charlesworth
Styling Celia Arias
Make-up Tamayo Yamamoto at Coffin Inc
Hair Fumi Noyose
Model Omoh Momoh at First London, Abdourahman at Nii
Photography assistant Carolina Alzalone
Styling assistant Melo

Published on 10/03/2020