This visual story by Juanita Richards captures the beauty of meeting strangers in LA

There's something kismet about meeting strangers. Strangers that align with you. Connect with you. Speak to your soul as if you have known them since the beginning. Despite social media's adverse effects, it is also a welcoming space for positive interactions with new people. A playground of connection and community to be taken offline. London-based photographer Juanita Richards experienced this firsthand during a spontaneous trip to Los Angeles. She's always been drawn to unique faces and the complex beauty of humans, capturing her muses through the lens of embrace, joy, and comfortability.


This mindset has helped Richards navigate her mixed-raced identity as a woman from multiple countries. Surrounded by a diverse range of socioeconomic, cultural, racial, ethnic and class continuums, she was forced to submerge herself into self-exploration. She translates her experience with identity through heartfelt visual stories. Richards says, "My love for shooting comes from my love of people. I'm obsessed with how people move, how they choose to show up." When Richards recently spent time in LA, she took advantage of her network and began to meet some of her Instagram followers to potentially collaborate. Richards says, "It was important for things to be natural, loose, to capture pictures through a raw and honest visual tone of voice.” She built a rapport with her subjects who took her to their favourite places in the city to conceptualise and develop an intimate capsule of their joint experience.


The first in the series was with artist Barrington Darrius, who met Richards at Hollywood Boulevard and drove her to Charlie beach. Their exchange was candid; Darius was LA-raised and based and was able to give Richards an authentic feel for his city. Darius was a deep thinker and well-articulated. He told her, "Believe in the sincerity of my offerings; I'm a small man, in a big world with a bigger heart. Love is power." While exploring hiking trails together on the city's outskirts, he emphasised the importance of intention and intentionally surrounding yourself with good friends, that every move you make is a reflection of your outcome.

After a serendipitous day with Darius, Richards was off to her next adventure. The following morning, she met holistic nutritionist and model Cassandra Reneé, who started her city tour by introducing Richards to the illustrious Chick Fil A. After enjoying "an incredible breakfast with small chicken bites in a biscuit," they headed off to Malibu to meet friend and model, Bintou Sillah.

“There's something so serene about being by the water. Waves crashing, the smell of salt, and the sun shining so bright that, even when you close your eyes, you still see it”

The three of them lay with their hair in the sand, discussing LA, love and the present moments. Although Richards had never met them before, they clicked instantly. Showing how beautifully entwined nature and Black sisterhood is. Reneé says, "There's something so serene about being by the water. Waves crashing, the smell of salt, and the sun shining so bright that, even when you close your eyes, you still see it. It's helped me come to terms with myself and feel more comfortable in my independence." With a sense of independence can come isolation, Sillah says, "Often I can begin to feel a deep sense of loneliness in LA. At the same time, I feel like I've used that loneliness to empower me to do things alone, something I would never do back home."


LA made Richards feel many emotions; she says, "The hustle and bustle, heavy traffic; the lifestyle can sometimes be a bit overwhelming. But then you have beautiful scenery. Quick access to the ocean, moments where you meet people like Darius, Renee, and Sillah that make you want to move here."


There is something harmoniously intertwined with creating these images that reflect such presence and intimacy. They are an ode to the peace and beauty within the LA community. They are an embodiment of the untethered connection with Black people globally. This shoot commemorates how authentic essence will never be missed. We are all meant to be in this moment. "I'm blessed I was able to capture it," says Richard.